Monday, June 18, 2012

Mini Hedgehog (Kind of Mini Hedgehogs)

Mini Hedgehog
Mini hedgehogs is an exotic animal. Mini Hedgehogs are nocturnal animals, it's easy to tame as well, because he did not attack us, just roll up into a ball for protection so it is ok to cuddle. Can eat many kinds, given dry food such as cat/dog food was willing to jg, occasionally can also diselinggi with caterpillar/insect. Distribution for mini hedgehog is actually based on the color of the body and prickly.

Albino Hedgehog
Albino Hedgehog

All milk-white thorn, with no other colors. Under this part of the face and body feathers are white. Her skin and nose is pink and red eyes.

Salt and Papper Hedgehog 
Salt and Papper Hedgehog

White needles wrapped in black. His face was white with black on the nose and ears. Fur on his lower body is white. The color of the skin on her upper body and nose is black.

Pinto Hedgehog 
Pinto Hedgehog

Pinto actually more toward shades of color, rather than a new color on the Mini Hedgehog. Pinto pattern can be seen from the lack of color on the skin behind the thorns and prickly, so it looks like white patches, outside the white spots, prickly same color as Salt & Pepper.

Silver Hedgehog 
Silver Hedgehog

White needles, clad in black, 30-50% solid white spines. Under a white belly fur. His face was white with black ears and nose. Skin color was black shoulders. Color black nose. His eyes are black.

Charcoal Hedgehog 
Charcoal Hedgehog
Needles between 30% - 70% of white solid, the rest is wrapped in black with white edges brown rust. His face is black. Color gray leather shoulder, color black nose. His eyes are black.

Silver Charcoal Hedgehog 
Silver Charcoal Hedgehog
Needles such as charcoal above, only clad in white needles with a light gray color. His face is black. Shoulder skin color dark gray, almost black. Color black nose. His eyes are black.

Platinum Hedgehog 
Platinum Hedgehog
Needles between 95% - 97% of white solid, the rest is wrapped in white-gray color. Black ears. His face is black. Skin color in solid black shoulders. Colors like black nose. His eyes are black.

Brown Snowflake Hedgehog 
Brown Snowflake Hedgehog
Needles between 30% - 70% of white solid, the rest are white oak clad in russet. Some spines may also be wrapped in chocolate. His face was pale. His eyes have a light blue ring around the outside. Shoulder skin color is pink with a small gray pigment.
Colors such as liver noses with black spots.

Chocolate Hedgehog 
Chocolate Hedgehog
White needles wrapped in dark brown color. His face was brown. Shoulder skin colored light gray. Liver-colored nose dark, almost black.

Cinnamon Hedgehog 
Cinnamon Hedgehog
White needles wrapped in brown color "cinnamon". No more than 5% prickly white solid. His face was cut no dominant color. Lower belly white. Shoulder skin colored pink. Colors such as liver noses.

Ruby Eyed Cinnicot Hedgehog 
Ruby Eyed Cinnicot Hedgehog
White needles, 50% of them clad in the color Cinnamon and the remaining pale beige color orange. Shoulder skin colored pink. His face was no dominant color. The color pink nose liver mixed colors. His eyes were dark ruby red.

Mini Hedgehog

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